Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Walk in the Woods

Last Sunday we decided to go up high on the mountain to enjoy the aspen leaves. My friend Jenny had captured such beautiful photos earlier in the week, and I was hoping to get some snapshots of the kids with the vibrant yellow background. But alas, most of the leaves had fallen in just a few short days.

We went for a walk along the nature trail, which is stroller accessible and had fun logs for balancing.

It was chilly, but a beautiful sunny day.

We found the same tree Desert Boy had posed at a couple years ago. I need to dig out those photos!

We tried a posed photo on this big rock, but the impromptu goofing around turned out much better.

I handed the camera to my husband so I could be in some photos, and Desert Boy and I found this nice tree stump chair.

Then we had fun playing balancing games. When I was a little girl, I loved walking on the curbs in my town. (And walked into parking meters, my mother tells me.) I still like walking on narrow things where I have to balance.

Desert Boy seems to be learning balance well.

We even tried a little dancing.

Desert Boy had so much energy that we decided to do the loop trail again, but run this time. So I guess maybe I should call this post a run in the woods! It takes a little extra energy at 10,000 feet!

1 comment:

  1. I walked into a parking meter once, also! It really hurt.


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