Saturday, October 23, 2010

Family Fun-Going to the Cabin

We had decided to have a family get-together with all my immediate family and their significant others. We wanted to do something a little different, so we decided to rent a cabin in southern Indiana.
We traveled by horse and buggy.

Just kidding.

This was a sight that caught my attention, some Amish on the highway. The shoulders aren't very big, so it must be a little scary for them dealing with the traffic.

Our car was one of the first to arrive in the area, and thanks to the invention of cell phones and people who manage not to lose them (I lost mine on the second day of the trip), we were able to meet up with one of my brothers and his wife at a hiking trail. We had time to take a short hike before check-in time at the cabin. My sister-in-law Mary quickly took the opportunity to get to know Emma.
The leaves were turning, but many had already fallen on the ground.

The baby carrier was in a different car, so Emma got the royal princess treatment and was carried on her makeshift throne.

The trail had some fun parts, like this scramble down a rocky area.

Emma looks a little worried.

Don't be worried, Emma, your uncle can manage all sorts of terrain, even at high speeds.

Some pretty fall colors.

Sometimes when I go back to the Midwest I feel claustrophobic with so many trees around me, but this time I didn't. I think it helped that the weather was wonderful.

The trail crossed an almost dry creek. We saw fish in some isolated pools. Hopefully it rains soon for them.

The trail led up to a huge alcove in some cliffs.

I had fun photographing profiles as people walked past me.

My brother Andrew was ready to ham it up.

And Mary is ready to dance her way down the trail.

The rest of the hike was enjoyable.

Then we got lost driving to the cabin. Some of those back roads can sure wind up and down and around and around. Fortunately we eventually got some instructions and made it to our desired destination.

The cabin was off the highway and had lots of open space around it. That was good, because Matt and Mary had brought the game corn hole (toss-the-beanbag type of game), and we played it a lot.

The cabin was a good spot for everyone to get more acquainted with the newest member of the family, two-month old Claire.

That evening we brought out the entertainment--costumes. We were planning to film a sequel to our last family movie.

Some of the costumes were a little too crazy for this blog. Needless to say, we were entertained!


  1. Love the idea of your family renting a cabin! On a trip to Holmes County Ohio, I was amazed at how the horses showed no reaction to traffic, even big rigs going by.

  2. another future member of brokeback mt??? :~)



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