Sunday, September 5, 2010

School Starting

Preschool started last week, and Desert Boy and his friends were so excited to go. I filled up the back of the van with six car seats (I love my van, despite what my brothers say!!), and off we went.

At first the kids have activity time, where they do individual activities and learn to put them away before getting out the next one. This has been wonderful to adopt at home!

Then it was group time, and they all piled on the bean bag.

Teacher Gwendy had them line up and they went over letters and numbers. Most of them were very attentive and eager to learn.

Some were ready for snack time and recess. The weather is about perfect, so recess is extra long, and they all have a great time playing outside.

They play together so differently than they did last year. There's a lot more interaction this year, whereas last year there was a lot more parallel play.

They decided that the little playhouse was the ice cream shoppe and were looking for customers.

They had every flavor of ice cream imaginable.

The slide was lots of fun for all of them.

Desert Boy dressed himself again, but did a better job of it than usual.

Ava wanted to keep her backpack on as she went down the slide.

She gave it a try on her belly.


Diego thinks it's fun.

Time to go back to the ice cream shoppe!

Meanwhile, Emma was enjoying watching all the action from the lawn.

Or maybe not so much. You can see the dirt and grass around her mouth. She makes the most of any snack break.

Diego climbed up into the tree.

Desert Boy and Elizabeth went for a ride in the car.

And then it was time to race dump trucks.

Then it was time to see how many kids fit on a tire swing. Six seemed just right.

They loved spinning and going high.

What a good time!

A couple days later it was Joel's birthday and his mom brought a yummy tractor cake to share with all the kids.

Then we decided to get a group shot. Trying to get all the kids to look at the camera wasn't the easiest thing in the world!

The little guy in the orange shirt didn't want to sit still, and Elizabeth wanted her mom nearby.

Finally we got one that was fairly decent. I think they're going to have a fun school year!


  1. Fun photos Gretchen! lol Good times, good times!

  2. What fun! Ice cream shop is a big favorite here on the East coast,too. I'll always remember the time the flavors included: chocolate, mango, vanilla squirrel, raspberry....


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