Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Big Water Fight

Sunday evenings we often go down to the softball field for some jovial softball and socializing. Last Sunday there was an added attraction (or perhaps distraction) to the softball.

My brother-in-law had brought a trough and filled it with water, and those that were hot were enjoying the cooling water.

It didn't take long for water lover Desert Boy to find himself in the makeshift pool.

Some people had brought along super soakers and were spreading the cool.

There were some off-limit areas, so those who wanted to stay dry could.

As more people came, more got involved with getting wet.

Clay quickly found himself soaking wet, and a little cup wasn't giving him much payback power.

Ava enjoyed playing in the water.

Hector was dry in an earlier photo, but is wet here, while my husband looks mostly dry. But not for long!

He somehow ended up being a target for a couple little girls, and gradually got wetter and wetter.

He didn't mind. It was a hot day!

Laura really enjoyed dumping coolers of water on people. She was willing to get soaked in return.

Breanna didn't get away quite fast enough!

My hubby got surprised again with another pitcher of water poured on him.

And Clay can't stop laughing. He might know what's about to happen.

And another pitcher! It was too hot to stay even partially dry!

Tana ended up in the fray and found a cooler to get more people wet!

Clay has upgraded from the little red cup to a big pitcher. Obviously, creative tools were at work during the water fight.

Eventually we got around to softball, and most everyone started off nice and cool and wet.

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