Saturday, July 3, 2010

Garden Update

The peas are finally ready! The lettuce is big, the spinach has bolted, and I have some broccoli ready to pick (despite the cows' best attempts to eat it). I really like the orderly look of my square-foot garden.
Because I didn't follow all the rules for the magic soil mix, I do have plenty of weeds and have become friends with weed barrier. It makes such a difference! I have also lined the perimeter and paths of my garden with it because last year I had so much growing into the garden through the fence.

The corn looks puny in this shot. In the last few hot days, it's shot up several inches. It will be 'knee high by Fourth of July'!
Hope your garden is making you happy, too.


  1. Isn't square foot gardening the AWESOMEST?? People would garden a lot more if they knew how to do it in small spaces like that. And it's great for conserving scarce resources - you only put the fertilizer and compost and water right where you need it.

  2. I miss having a garden. But I'm glad to be located where fresh fruit is crazy abundant!!


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