Sunday, June 13, 2010

Kerri's Wedding

The reason for our really fun train trip was to go to a high school friend's wedding. Kerri got married in the foothills of the Rockies outside of Denver in a beautiful location.

Kerri looked absolutely stunning and so happy.

During the ceremony, she and Doug released butterflies.

Then it was time for everyone witnessing the ceremony to do the same. Desert Boy thought that was so neat! The butterflies flittered around our heads and seats for the rest of the ceremony.

Hurray, they're married! Desert Boy was excited, too, because that meant it was time to party. He is one little party animal.

After some scrumptious food, it was time to cut the cake. I liked how the mirror reflected their happiness.

It was also time for toasts, and Desert Boy thought his fun special drink was over the top.

Seeing Kerri dance with her dad was really sweet. I enjoyed seeing her family, as it had been years and years since I had seen them. They had been pool rats like me growing up, and I had participated with many of them on summer swim team and worked with some at the city pool. I was glad to hear that summer swim team is still going strong.

Here's Desert Boy learning to do the electric slide. He wanted to dance with everyone on the dance floor, regardless of age and whether he had ever met them before. He was so sad when I told him it was time to go.

We managed to get a photo of Kerri and me before leaving. I hope we'll be able to see each other soon. Come out to the desert, Kerri, and bring your new hubby!

We didn't have time to take the train back to Salt Lake City, so we flew. It's a fairly short flight and we had some nice views of the mountains.

Even though it was a quick vacation, it was thoroughly enjoyable, and we are really glad we went. Congratulations, Kerri and Doug, and thanks for giving us such a good excuse to take a trip!


  1. Yay! I'm SO glad you posted pictures of the wedding! Kerri looks so beautiful! :o) I've really enjoyed your entire trip! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Congrats to Kerri and Doug! Hope that you have a long and happy life together.

  3. Thanks for posting this!! Since I couldn't be there, I got a glimpse of the good times! Danke schon! AB

  4. I remember when Kerri was one of my favorite lifeguards when I was a pool rat, time flies! Congrats!

  5. I just found your posts through my husband. It was really nice to see you at Kerri and Doug's wedding. We had a great time too. Life seems to be good out in the desert. It is okay here in Ohio, but I love visiting Rensselaer too. Enjoy those children of yours!


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