Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Welcome to Utah

We were at the Border Inn the other evening, and while we were waiting for food to come, I headed out into the nearby desert to look for wildflowers. I crossed the highway, taking a quick look at the Welcome to Utah sign, giving it a brief thought and then moving on. After a brief jaunt in the greasewood, I noticed that a big truck had pulled in next to the sign, and with no hesitation removed the sign. Then they got ready to put up a new one.

Somewhere in my files I have a photo of the old sign, but I don't know where. Fortunately Dan Heller had one posted on the Internet. The old sign honored the 2002 Olympic Games held in Salt Lake and also showed a picture of Delicate Arch.

The new signs feature the word Utah in much bigger shape and the sandstone cliffs of southern Utah. I think the picture is of Zion Canyon.

Hopefully in addition to paying for new signs, the Utah legislature is willing to help protect some of its resources, namely the water that Southern Nevada wants to pipe away.

The crane hoisted the sign into place and workers quickly installed it. I'm guessing the really huge sign still left on the trailer will go on the Interstate.

So here's one of the first photos of the new sign at the Border Inn crossing into Utah. Ready to go visit?


  1. I like the UFO's appearing in a mysteriously regular pattern in the sky.


  2. Maybe the larger "Utah" on the sign is the state's weird way of staking it's claim on the water rights? Wishful thinking, I hope the issue isn't ignored by those in a position to do the right thing.


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