Friday, April 2, 2010

Winter--or is it spring--wonderland

We woke yesterday morning to gorgeous winter scenery. We were happy for the moisture, but the cold temperatures weren't so appreciated, especially because it was April.

The plants have started greening up, although it was a bit hard to tell under all the snow. The forecast was for warming temperatures throughout the day, so I figured the snow wouldn't last for long.

And I was right. On the way back from town, most of the desert snow had melted off.

I was amazed to see so much water in Sevier Lake. Usually this is a dry lakebed, with only the appearance of water from desert mirages under the broiling heat of the sun. I nearly got stuck trying to get this photo, as the sides of the road were very mushy from all the snowmelt. Oops. Fortunately I got back on the pavement after doing a little spinning.

Storm clouds started building on the way home, and we even got another squall with more snow. Fortunately it's supposed to be nice weather for Easter weekend.

Now that I've give you the weather report, are you ready for the traffic report?
Here it is: No delays expected.


  1. I LOVE that road pic!! Perfect!

    Happy Easter!

  2. Yep, the empty roads. I sure do miss that, lol.

    Good thing to be getting some good spring moisture to spur the new growth. Every little bit helps.

  3. AAHH, you're killing me!! I need to get out of this Eastern suburban sprawl soooo badly! Thanks for the pics, they are great.


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