Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy Thoughts

We were out driving in the early evening and I just had to stop and take this photo. Even though we're not out of winter yet (more snow is supposed to arrive in a few days), I'm getting really excited by all the little signs of spring. The fields are starting to green up, the snow is retreating higher up the mountains, flowers are starting to appear, the days are so much longer, and the temperature is quite pleasant. We've been spending more time outside, and it's wonderful. We've been working on a couple outside projects that I'll post about soon. One is a little crazy. But that's okay, spring is also a time for new beginnings, even for crazy projects.


  1. Sure had a good time. It's looking wonderful there, with the early greening and budding of spring with snow on the mountains

  2. Our weather is so opposite this year! My daffodils have already bloomed and some tulips too. The dogwoods are trying to bloom. It makes me want to plant the garden but I know there will be a last shocker freeze so I'll contain myself. My husband isn't happy to need to mow the lawn so soon.


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