Saturday, March 6, 2010


We had success feeding the bummer calves. Desert Boy thought it was pretty neat to go back and visit the calves. They didn't seem to mind his company. They didn't even mind Henry, although Henry was more interested in chasing the ducks in the pond than spending time with the calves.

Nevertheless, he was on the lookout for any spilled milk.

A happy calf. Don't you love all that milk drool?

Desert Boy posing next to the calf. I'm not sure if it has a name yet--the main caretaker gets to name the calves. And often they become quite attached to whomever feeds them and will follow that person around or leave a group of cows to come say hi when they're older. Cows might not be all that intelligent, but they can be cute.


  1. That would be my problem if I were a farmer - I would become MUCH too attached.

    We own several acres and Vol Fan thought about getting a calf to raise to slaughter for the beef. Then he thought about having to watch me cry every night at dinner and so we don't raise cows:)

  2. Caleb and Alyshia named them Simon and Patrick, lol. Even though they aren't the caretakers ;)

  3. Funny! I think Tana has names for them, too, and also Cynthia. Good thing they aren't picky about what they're called!


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