Tuesday, March 9, 2010

New Van

We recently decided we needed some new family wheels. I didn't want to take a photo in the driveway, so I stopped and took a photo on the way back from feeding the bummer calves. This is a much nicer background!

You can see we've already managed to find some dirt and dust!

One of the best things about it is all the space. Like some of our friends mentioned, it's hard to go wrong with the space, especially when we sometimes stock up on groceries only once a month.

And it's great for when it's our turn to carpool to preschool. Here we are with four car seats (Desert Girl's is in the middle and backward facing). We have room for one more in the back with Desert Boy. We can seat up to eight people. Ready for road tripping!


  1. Love it! And seriously that is beautiful background:)

  2. Perfect...meets your needs to a T. Color is good for not showing the dust quite so quickly as a dark color. Everyone looks cozy.

  3. Love it! (and I'm slightly jealous since the Sienna was our preferred choice) ☺ You really can't go wrong with all the room you have now.

  4. Have you considered doing photo shoots for car companies?

  5. Congratulations! It's great for carrying friends around, and, as you noted, groceries. I seem to recall that March is frozen food month!

  6. Looks great! Sienna was my preferred choice as well;) I don't think you'll be sorry. THey're so nice with kids.

  7. We have the same van! It's great, except the check engine light came on already! We don't have that middle seat in the middle row, I'd love to have that.


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