Friday, March 26, 2010


I realize it's been a little while since I've put up photos of Desert Girl, so here's a post to keep the grandparents happy! She's still eating, sleeping, and pooing well, in fact that last activity often precedes one of her baths.

Desert Girl didn't like her baths at first, but now she realizes how wonderful water is and enjoys the feel of it. That's good, considering that she was starting to stink a little. The milk that dribbles down her big cheeks and lodges in the neck crevasses doesn't smell so good after a day or two. And then there are the weird gray things that lodge between her fingers and toes. Whatever they are, they don't smell so good either. And new babies are just supposed to smell good.

Desert Girl's baby acne is fading. It hasn't bothered her a bit. And her eyelashes are coming in, at least the top ones. She doesn't have much in the way of eyebrows yet, at least they're not easy to see because they're so blonde.
She's an extremely sweet baby, and she just keeps getting more interesting as she starts watching us and smiling. Those smiles are priceless!


  1. Grandparents are happy : ) She's filling out nicely.

  2. I just love those baby rolls! What a beauty!!

  3. One of the beauties of the desert!

  4. I have that grey smelly stuff in between my fingers and toes to!! What happenstance!

  5. What a cutie! And she'll thank you later for protecting her modesty with that strategic washcloth!

  6. A total darling, growing and changing so quickly. The smiles are wonderful, even in imagination


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