Friday, February 12, 2010


Desert Boy is slowly getting used to the idea that he has a little sister. It's not been the easiest concept for him to grasp, especially leaving his only child status behind.

He's had to try out his old baby swing again. Fortunately it didn't collapse!

He makes the bouncer seat look positively tiny. He also had to try out Desert Girl's car seat and pacifier.

We've been trying to give him some extra attention, and when some friends brought over a wonderful dinner for us (thank you!), it included a colorfully sprinkled cake. It was perfect for celebrating it as Desert Boy's cake. He likes to think every cake is his birthday cake, regardless if it's his birthday or not. So we humored him, stuck in a couple candles, and sang to him.

Then he blew out the candles and was very happy. What's not to like about blowing out candles on your birthday cake.

One of the things that's jumped to our attention is just how much Desert Boy has grown in 2 3/4 years. When we put Desert Girl next to him, it's obvious that he isn't a baby anymore (despite what he thinks at times!).

Although they do tend to have some of the same moves. Some of their shared expressions and body movements cracked us up.

Desert Boy likes to pose for the camera, so taking lots of photos is a way to make him happy!

And maybe having a little sister is okay--or at least it will be in a few months when she can do what he says.


  1. Give both of them a great big kiss from me:)

  2. Very cute. I'm amazed at how much she resembles him! And you're much more successful at getting pictures of him. When he's at my house, I can't get him to stop long enough to get a picture, lol.

  3. Holy crap time flies!! I remember when Matthew was playing with/in all of those infant contraptions, scary. Glad that Matthew is adjusting, looks like their both having fun.

  4. What a couple of cuties!


  5. Awww...
    I think it's funny when they have to go investigate all the old *equipment*. That cake looks yummy!

  6. Ditto to all of the above. Tickled pink that you share so much with us. Looks like a bit of adjusting is going on.

  7. Yes, he does look big sitting in all the baby stuff! It just amazes me when I see how much my kids have grown - I feel proud that I've kept them alive, and growing, for so long!

    He'll be a great brother, just get that girl some irrigation boots, quick!

  8. Yeah, I remember the testing of the toys :) lol
    Those pics are sooooo cute! I'll come over soon I have something for Emma :)

  9. Gosh he is so cute...and, yes, BIG. She's pretty cute (and big, in her own way, too!). It's so nice to be able to see these lovely moments of your days.


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