Saturday, January 30, 2010

Elk Crossing

I'm cleaning out my photos and found these that I took in December. We were on our way to Ely with a light snow falling when we spotted an elk crossing the road. He was joining some elk on the other side. (I feel like I should have some witty repartee about 'Why did the elk cross the road?' but my brain is functioning rather slowly today. If you can think of something, leave it in the comments!)

The highway department has recognized this area as a deer and elk crossing and even has it posted. If my photo came out better I would send it to them.

One of the most impressive things about elk is just how big they are. They are about double the size of mule deer, with elk cows (females) weighing around 500 pounds and mature elk bulls (males) weighing around 700 pounds. For more info about elk, click here.


  1. Why did the elk cross the road? The chicken told him to : )

  2. Seeing elk was one of our favorite parts on our trip west last May!

  3. I'm jealous. In all the time I have spent in WP Co over the decades, never once have I seen a single elk there.

    I know. That's pathetic, lol.

    Anonymous: Elk meat is better than the best grass-fed beef.


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