Monday, November 9, 2009

Cooking Up a Storm

I found this cute kitchen at a thrift store and couldn't resist bringing it home for Desert Boy. He loves "helping" in the kitchen, and I thought it might be good to let him cook up his own recipes.

He likes all the buttons and knobs.

He also likes cooking different things in his pot, and spicing whatever it is regularly with salt and pepper.

The pie plate works as a mixing bowl.

Time to add something else to the pot. He regularly washes the dishes and puts things in the oven and refrigerator.

The best part was when I was cleaning the real kitchen and he wanted to clean his kitchen.

So far the cuisine from Desert Boy's kitchen has included spaghetti, broccoli soup, cake, and more. He has three plates to serve everything on.

He also gets a bit creative with some of his cooking tools, as you can see in this short video:


  1. It looks like Desert Boy was being goofy to avoid going to bed :-P


  2. Looks a like a perfectly good use to me!!

  3. A multi tasker already. I agree with Anonymous. Also a strategist. Wow! and not yet 3

  4. We got a kitchen for my 2 year old second-hand also (it was waiting at someone's curb for us!). She loves it too. Play food might be a welcome Christmas present for desert boy...

  5. Your labeling DB kitchen story as "food" is funny, too.

  6. Mia has been playing with hers for a couple of years. It used to be in my kitchen, but last year I moved it to the garage and would bring it out in the warm weather. Her pots and pans get filled with water (that's why it's not in the house anymore). She adds grass, flower petals, leaves, etc. to make her fabulous concoctions. She spends hours playing with it in the summer, and when Karla's around, they battle for "kitchen" duties. Mia "cooked" twice this week,alone, for me.


  7. Thank heaven for toy kitchens! the "food" in ours is peach pits, and unshelled nuts for the most part. And some feed corn kernels, but that can get messy.

    Gosh, he sure is cute!


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