Tuesday, September 15, 2009

School Photos

It was time for school photos the other day, and we were able to take Desert Boy. 

Doesn't he clean up nicely?

He wasn't too sure what to think about all the photography equipment, but he cooperated well, even with all the hair spraying (with water) and combing.

Here are some of the kids in line, with teachers and parents close by to make sure they didn't get messed up at the last minute.

What Desert Boy liked best was playing with the older kids after his photo was taken.

He was introduced to Battleship. I remember playing this at Grandma's house years and years ago.

He got some lessons from his cousin. It was a good afternoon!

1 comment:

  1. How handsome! But I have to admit to preferring the more mussed and muddied look.


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