Friday, September 18, 2009

Let It Rain

On Monday we had some wonderful rain. It brought the temperatures down considerably. It's been weeks and weeks since we've had rain, so it was great to hear the pitter-patter against the window panes.

But then we got some hail--that wasn't quite such a nice sound.

The little dandelion managed to survive the hail.

We had storms throughout the day, with lots of lightning and thunder. 

Late in the afternoon, Desert Boy got suited up with his irrigating boots and we went out to splash in puddles.

He particularly wanted to jump in the puddles.

It didn't take him long to get wet. Very wet. Especially when he fell down.

He would have played a lot longer, but it was a bit chilly and he eventually decided he wanted to go in and get warm. 

What? A toddler with a modicum of common sense? What is this world coming to?

Here's a video of Desert Boy in action:


  1. Splashing in puddles is SO much fun!

  2. He's almost got that jumping skill down.

  3. Swimming! We really need rain. Haven't had it in almost a month.

  4. I miss how awesome it smells after rain in the Valley! I'm closing my eyes and remembering it right now!

  5. I was wondering if a Desert Boy has rain gear. Thank goodness for irrigating boots!


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