Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Getting the 4-H Steers Ready

The County Fair is in just over two weeks, and my nieces and nephews are busy getting ready all their 4-H projects ready. Cousin A is taking a steer, and I watched her as she worked with him.

She's giving him some loving attention. I'm not sure if he's feeling the love, though. Steers have kind of a tough exterior.

And he decides he wants to show he's boss. She's not going to let a steer, even if it outweighs her by 1200 pounds, be in charge.

Well, maybe not. It's not easy to get a stubborn steer to give up his ground.

Meanwhile Cousin C is going on a little jaunt with his steer. He makes it look easy.

He even manages a smile. And that's before he got his mohawk haircut.

His steer is mellow and ready to go where Cousin C wants it to go.

Fortunately, Cousin A finally wins the battle of the wills and gets her steer to walk where she wants it. Then it's time to go out to a big corral and practice more there.

Cousin C's steer is cooperative as can be...

...and Cousin A's steer starts out okay, but then decides he really doesn't want to go for a walk. Sometimes steers just get that way.

Aunt Tana gets into the corral and shows Cousin A some moves to make sure the steer doesn't get his way. Cousin A is more interested in the new puppy, though! It will be fun to see how both cousins do at the fair. They've certainly gained some good experience learning how to take care of and control their big animals.


  1. They are so brave. I will admit a deep, dark secret - I'm a little scared of cows. So it was no small feat when I happened upon a herd in the road and I corralled (is that even a word?) them back into the pasture. Someone had left the gate open:(

  2. Cows are pretty cool. I have to admit a preference for Angus over Herefords. Love those shiny, wet black noses.

    My grandfather had a bunch - one cow named Rosebud (IIRC) let us get on her back and ride her through the sage.

  3. Adam did this as a boy! His was the biggest steer, and he was the smallest boy. Good ol'Arnold! I loved that guy~~<3


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