Thursday, July 16, 2009

Second Crop

Life is hectic out here. The crews are busy putting up second crop of hay, which is looking much better than the first crop (which got rained on a lot).

Some cousins are visiting and we're spending lots of time swimming, hiking, and of course, the most important part of visiting: eating!!! In fact, I think I better get back to the kitchen. 


  1. Speaking of the Pottawatomie plums still grow up there on Rowland Ranch? My grandma used to get them and make the best Pottawatomie plum jam in the world. She had jars and jars of produce in her cellar, including some white peaches I think she grew on her place.

  2. They do still grow up there. I bet that jam was wonderful! I haven't ever tried to make that up, but I like to put up apricots and peaches whenever the crops are big enough.

  3. nice shot of the fields.

  4. About the plum jam, one thing I seem to recall was that she would put a few of the "nuts" from inside the pits in the jam. I know they have cyanide in them, lol, but I think maybe the small amount used was harmless yet enhanced the flavor?

    I prefer to use "real" nuts like walnuts or almonds if I am gonna make a conserve like that!

  5. Have a wonderful visit!! Time with family is always too short.

    Beautiful shot of the fields!


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