Monday, June 8, 2009

Desert Destination: A Patch of Snow in June

Although we've been looking forward to summer for so long, now that June is here we decided we needed to revisit winter a little. So we drove up to 10,000 feet to the Wheeler Peak Campground to look for some snow. As soon as we got to the trailhead, Desert Boy grabbed a handful and ate it, pine needles and all. Yum. Or not. 

I tried to show him how he could dig down a little and get some clean snow, but he wasn't interested. Fortunately, there was no yellow snow in sight.

We brought the sled and found a little patch to go sledding on. Daddy was worried about Desert Boy crashing into trees, so made him put on his helmet. But Desert Boy quickly got cold hands and didn't want to go sledding on the snow anymore.

He did want to keep sledding, though. How do you sled without snow?

When there's nice rubber matting on the ground for a handicapped trail, it's possible to go sledding!

Desert Boy thought this was a great option, with Daddy pulling and Grandma Sylvia following.

Eventually they came across another nice patch of snow, and it was time to put the sled to its correct use.

Except they crashed. Maybe the helmet wasn't such a bad idea after all.

Back in the sled, they continued down the path.

But all good things must come to an end, and the nature trail is only about 1/4 mile long. Then Desert Boy had to get out of the sled and ambulate on his own.

Grandma Sylvia showed him something fun to do that made him forget about the sled--snowball fight!

His aim wasn't too good, but his enthusiasm was high.

Then it was time for an obstacle course, going through the tree.

The clouds parted and the sun shone down on a beautiful meadow. We walked until we found the perfect photogenic rock.

Grandma Sylvia and Desert Boy had a great photo shoot.

But here's one of the worst family portraits of all time. It really can't get much worse, can it?

This one's a bit better.

I also really enjoyed listening to the birds: mountain chickadees, a hermit thrush, gray-headed juncos, ruby-crowned kinglets, and American robins. And there were about six flower species poking their heads up, including this little milkvetch. 

Although there are still some snowy patches, summer is definitely arriving at the higher elevations.


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