Thursday, April 16, 2009

Storm Runoff

Some of the recent storms have created new channels in the dirt, eroding away the soil and leaving intriguing paths.

I like to follow the little channels and see where they'll take me. Sometimes I even imagine I'm a little drop of water and try to picture what it would see if it had eyes.

Desert Boy thinks it's a good game and has scrambled up the the little gully. When he has to squeeze by the pokey greasewood, he says "bush, bush," and makes a face when a thorn pokes him. But he doesn't let a little discomfort stop him, he's ready to find out where the water came from and where it went.


  1. I love how you are interested in everything!!

  2. That's an unusual place for a gully to start. It must have been quite a storm.

  3. The water can for sure sculp the land. Very nice blog you have here. Anna :)


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