Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Scenes from Easter

Easter turned out to be a busy, fun, and memorable day. One of my goals was to get a nice family photo because we all got dressed up, but that didn't quite happen. Maybe the next time we all get dressed up we can try again. When will that be? Maybe Christmas, if we're lucky.

Nevertheless, we did get some photos of various events on Sunday. After church we went to an Easter egg hunt, except it wasn't really a hunt but a grab, because all the eggs were on plain sight on tops of tables in a row. Desert Boy was excited to pick up a few eggs and quickly proceeded to open them and spill the candy all over the floor. We stuck a couple eggs in his pocket for later distraction.

We went by the train and got to go on a train ride, which just delighted Desert Boy to no end. See next Monday's desert destination post for more details. Choo-choo.

While we were on the train, Desert Boy rediscovered one of his Easter eggs and quickly started eating the chocolate. 

And when I asked him to smile for the camera, this is the face I got.

Later in the afternoon we had an Easter egg hunt at our house, where the older cousins hid eggs for the younger cousins. It's always amusing. And I figure it's good for math skills to make sure all the eggs have been found.

Desert Boy gets some assistance from his pretty cousin. 

And then there was lots of yummy food. Here are some cupcakes in mini-ice cream cones, a favorite of the younger than 10 crowd--and those who wanted to take a brief trip back to that age!


  1. Looks like you had a lot of fun. Love the smile picture.

  2. Chocolate AND a train ride... it doesn't get much better than that. Good luck tomorrow with Amazon!


  3. What lovely pictures! (And it actually looks warm there...or you are all hardy desert types.) The kind of pictures that (I imagine) make you look at your boy and be totally amazed by how wonderful he is.

  4. Desert Boy's smile looks like how I feel when I eat chocolate!


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