Friday, April 10, 2009

Desert Boy Climbs at the Playground

The other afternoon, Desert Boy took a break from going down the slides and decided to work on his climbing and balancing skills. What amazed me the most was that he fell down a few times, but just got back up, started again, and kept going until he could do it. 

This particular obstacle used to be really hard for him, in fact he couldn't do it alone. But in a few weeks he's grown a little more and gotten more coordinated, so he did better.

Can he make the next step?

Mama, are you still taking photos?

He starts smiling once he realizes he's nearly made it.

And then the pose. Henry's nose is poking into the right side of the photo--he stayed close.

Then it was onto the next challenge, one a little bit harder.

At this point I figured I better stop taking photos and go over to make sure he didn't fall. He didn't quite know how to get from the ladder to the platform, so he was "stuck." That's a new word. I think he'll be ready to go out rock climbing in the desert before too long.


  1. Good job, Desert Boy! Love the hairstyle. Kinda remind me of a really bad comb over. Too cute!

  2. My English not so good in morning. Above comment should read..."Kind of reminds me".... And I even previewed it before I submitted it. Guess I need another cup of coffee.

  3. I think he's confusing himself for his monkey backpack. Look at that little climber go!

  4. Desert Boy is so brave! I don't think I could have made that last step!

  5. Oh my goodness me, He is so cute, in himself, and his persistent, patient learning/doing. You can see in his concentration and pleasure that he remembers not being able to do it. He likes growing bigger, taller, stronger.

  6. My boy is in a stage where his response to falling down is to say "good" if anyone is looking. Sometimes it looks quite painful, and he later (quickly) comes for a little comfort when he thinks the coast is clear. I could imagine similar from Desert Boy....


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