Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Northern Nevada Railway

In honor of Desert Boy's fascination with "choo-choos," today we'll take a look at the Northern Nevada Railway, headquartered in Ely, Nevada. The East Ely Depot is now a gift store and offices, and is a commanding presence next to the railroad tracks.

This looks like a snowplow car. We haven't had real huge snowstorms this winter, but enough that snow would occasionally have to be plowed off the tracks. A variety of train cars are located behind the East Ely depot on the tracks. This is where train trips start.

The Nevada Northern Railway includes a work yard, a museum, and the so-called Ghost Train. The train has two different routes, one towards the north and one towards the west. There are two different types of locomotives: steam and diesel. Steam locomotives are difficult to maintain, but a dedicated cadre of volunteers keep Engine #93 puffing away.

Although they have some specialty trains run in the winter, the main season begins April 11. 

Isn't this caboose beautiful? I love the yellow color. Kennecott is the name of a local mine, and mines are what brought the railroad here in the first place. Today trucks transport ore to market, but the railroad is still maintained around the Ely area. It's a great way to step (or ride) back in history.

Here's the diesel locomotive, ready to pull. On this particular day we spent our time around the rail yard, but you can be assured there will be future train posts. Desert Boy will make sure of that. 

If you'd like to learn more about the Nevada Northern Railway, check out their informative website!

1 comment:

  1. When I was a kid, I used to daydream about hopping aboard a train - just to see where it would take me!


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