Wednesday, February 25, 2009

In the Bus

Desert Boy is obsessed with buses. Every time he sees one, he points and starts saying "Bus, bus, bus." Except he doesn't stop at saying bus three times. He says it over and over and over.

He loves to go down to the shop area and play on the old buses. There's something even better, though, and that's getting on a real bus, a working bus.

Fortunately for Desert Boy, Aunt Tana drives the bus. She let him get on the other day and practice driving in her driveway. He found out how all the lights operate. He steered this way and that. And then he grabbed the door handle and pulled it closed. He closed it so far it locked. 

No one panicked. Desert Boy was doing what he liked best. And the back door was open, so Cousin Clay was able to jump inside and come to the rescue. That's what cousins are for.


  1. He is going to be a master at driving anything!!

  2. I hope you do not have any old refrigerators laying around.

  3. "The wheels on the bus go round and round."

    I'm sure Desert Boy knows that Raffi song, right??

  4. "The wheels on the bus go round and round."

    I'm sure Desert Boy knows that Raffi song, right?

  5. Desert Boy loves the song "The wheels on the bus go round and round!"


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