Thursday, February 12, 2009

Great Backyard Bird Count

Want to do something a little different this President's Day Weekend? From February 13-16, you can participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count. The great thing about this bird count is you can do it anywhere, including just looking out your kitchen window and noting the birds you see for at least 15 minutes on any of the four days. 

The Great Backyard Bird Count has the most participants of any bird count. It's held in February to find out where birds are in winter before spring migration begins in March. If you'd like to learn more, check out the Great Backyard Bird Count website. I'll post what we see in a few days. Happy birding!


  1. I would love to do that but I can barely tell a cardinal from a blue jay!!

  2. I was thinking the same thing! Do they have to be identified?? Oh, I'm sure they do....!!

    But, what fun.


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