Friday, January 2, 2009

Polar Bear Club

Henry likes water. A lot. Even if it's very cold water. With ice on it. 

We watched him gingerly step on the ice until he could get into the creek. This water is snow melt from high in the mountains.

Henry hangs out in it for quite awhile, sniffing around, investigating the ice formations.

He tries to eat some ice. The longer I watch him, the colder I get.

I've never tried to enter the Polar Bear Club--I wonder if watching Henry gets me any points?


  1. I'm a card-carrying member of the hot-tub club so yes, I think watching Henry gives you lots of points.

  2. It's hard even looking at these pictures....buuuuurrrrr.

    I'm not going to worry too mcuh anymore when I see my pooch, Dallas, outside when it's 47 degrees. He's probably hot!! He's a rescue doggie, half lab and half sheperd.

    BTW: More beautiful pix!!!

    Chilly hugs,


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