Sunday, January 25, 2009

Photo Caption Contest-January

I haven't had a photo caption contest for awhile, so it's time!! Here are the rules: there are none. Enter as many times as you want. I'll pick my favorite sometime Monday night, but you can still create a photo caption after that. And what would be an appropriate prize for a contest with no rules? You guessed it--a thumbs up; an ego boost; the inner delight of having the wittiest, most appropriate entry; and bragging rights. Wow! 


  1. Whooah, Henry! What have you been eating lately?

  2. You've got a little peanut butter. Right there. Here let me get it for you!

  3. Come on Henry, let's make a break for it. It can't be too hard to escape. We just have to try. Mom will never notice. We won't leave any fingerprints.

  4. No need to start licking the truck down here.

  5. Come on, Henry! I never took you for an ol' scardy cat....can't be more than two or three feet.

  6. Good thing mom taught me yoga! Hey Henry, it's easier if you stick out your tongue!

  7. Come on Henry- we've got a lot to do. The day's not a success until we blend in with the truck.

  8. Hey Henry, we have to climb down if we are going to play another game of tic-tac-toe on this truck

  9. Time to get to work! Look at how high the sun is already. Let's go!


  10. "Who had the beans last night!? I gotta get out of here!"

  11. Mom says were going to the park, but I've heard that before. She's taking me for my booster shots! I'm outta here! Are you with me, Henry?

  12. These are fantastic entries! I laughed a lot reading them. Thanks everyone for participating. My favorite is Sarah's "Come on Henry- we've got a lot to do. The day's not a success until we blend in with the truck."

    Desert Boy and Henry often succeed in getting as dirty as the truck. Needless to say, the washing machine gets a good workout.


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