Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bald Eagles

In the winter, we are often fortunate to have a couple bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) take up residence in our valley. Their bright white heads and tail feathers sure contrast with their dark brown bodies. Although bald eagles' favorite food is fish, they are opportunistic. That's a good thing, because there aren't too many fish out here in the desert! 

We were driving along when we spotted them, and when we stopped to take a photo, they flew off. Every winter we see two or three bald eagles, and they stay several months. We get excited seeing these huge birds, and I always am thankful they've decided to visit--and curious where they came from and why they choose this valley.


  1. I love bald eagles - it is always exciting when you get to see one!

  2. I saw one once over a lake in Oregon. It was so regal. I considered my self very fortunate.

    Have another winsome day! And, thanks for visiting my blog yesterday….


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