Saturday, December 13, 2008

Preparing for Winter

In order to prepare for winter, yesterday two ranch hands were busy getting some of the equipment inside. This is a Massey Ferguson 2150 baler. It won't be out in an alfalfa field until next June.

The tractor slowly backs up, aiming for one of the big open doors. The upper shop was cleaned out so as many pieces of farm equipment as possible could be sheltered from the winter winds and snow.

The baler's going in...

and further in...

...and finally can't be seen anymore.

Next up is the big chopper, a John Deere 6910. This is one of Desert Boy's favorite pieces of farm equipment because it has a tall ladder to climb to reach the cab. The chopper is really big--and really tall.

It's going in okay, although it looks like it might be close to get it under the door.

It's almost in, but the last few feet are just a tad too tall. So what do you do when you need to get your machine indoors, but it's just a couple inches too high?

Take some air out of the tires, and then it gets shorter. The chopper then fits just under the door and can be parked next to another baler.

When the snow and wind get too extreme for Desert Boy to play outside, we'll be heading to the shop to give the machines some company.


  1. Nothing quite like an indoor playground in your backyard for winter.

  2. Things you do in the desert are just so surprising! Letting out the air! Who would have thought?

    Have a beautiful Advent day!!

  3. Hi. I just found your blog, because I am dehydrating apples today. (I found your post about dehydrating apples!) My husband and I live in the desert near Joshua Tree, CA.
    Fun stuff.


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