Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Fun

Every year the local schools put on a Christmas program, and two nights ago was the special occasion. Desert Boy was calmest when we sat right up front so he could see all the action. He wanted to go up on stage, but fortunately he didn't quite make it. He also spent some time between acts wandering around and visiting people. One of the nice things about living in such a small community is we didn't have to worry about him--we knew just about everyone there, and they knew him.

First were the musical numbers--the school band, beginning strings, and intermediate strings. Then it was time for the children's choir, which is a combination of the pre-school, grades K-2, and some home-schooled kids. Here's a video of the end of one of their songs:

After that, the K-2 class put on a really cute play, Christmas at Old McDonald's Farm. Each student was an animal and had a few lines, including getting to make their animal's sound. Everyone enjoyed it. Then it was time for the play from grades 3-6. The play started with the magical appearance of Elfis at the back of the hall.

Before long Elfis was rocking up on stage with Mrs. Claus, some reindeer, and elves.

The kids really got into the music--just look at their expressions. They didn't seem to be at all shy to be performing in front of 200 people. I think because they perform every year from the time they're kindergartners, they just take it for granted. Hopefully they'll keep that skill of being able to talk in front of a crowd for the rest of their lives!

The costumes and choreography were great.

The play helped us all get into the Christmas mood. When the lights came back on, refreshments were served in the back of the hall. And then another special guest arrived: Santa Claus!

Here's my nephew, Tractor Buddy, up on Santa's lap. He wanted some big things for Christmas.

Even Elvis took a turn, sideburns and all.

I was hoping Desert Boy would pose for a picture on Santa's lap, but it had gotten a little too late for him, and he dove into my arms. Maybe next year. The kids were so excited to tell Santa what they wanted---and they were probably eager to get their bag with candy cane and orange, too! 

Have a Merry Christmas!


  1. Christian did such a good job as Elfis. :-) Both the plays were so cute. Megan's goat imitation was awesome. ;-)

  2. Another sweet glimpse into small town life. It seems amazingly good to me.

    Have a beautiful Christmas filled with joy, happiness, warm chocolate, hugs and best of all--baby Jesus!!

    Love and prayers,


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