Wednesday, November 26, 2008

This is How I Feel Today

I have cows on the mind, maybe because we drove through the feed lot today, and then Henry started chasing the cows. Or maybe because I can't believe all the cow-related products that are on the market. Or maybe because Desert Boy says "mmmmm" (his version of Mooo) all the time. Anyway, this cow pretty much sums up how I feel right now. Mooo.


  1. Yeah, I'm there too. Just standing there, minding my own business. And then, bam! I'm all caught up in all the commotion. And who put that number 34 on my ear!!

  2. Hang in there Desert Survivor!

  3. Wish I could eat beef tonight, but I'm staying in the home of someone who's allergic to it.

    Gobble gobble instead of mooo-mummm.

    Hang in there and happy nano-nanu or whatever it is that you are writing 50,000 words for. Hopefully carpal tunnel doesn't develop!


  4. Aw, Desert Survivor. Be thankful that Desert Boy doesn't ask "why" all day long and expect an answer.

    Hopefully tomorrow will be better : ) gobble, gobble

  5. Looks like the mall the day after Thanksgiving. I’m thankful I’m not one who goes shopping on that day. But, I have to admit they are all just so cute? Well, except maybe for the brown steer, with the runny nose. Bovine snot is always so much slimier than any other animal. I wonder why that is?

    I'm thankful for a lot of things this year, this blog being one of them...

    Now I’m off to bake my pies!

  6. Thanks for your encouraging comments. I feel a lot better today. Happy Thanksgiving!


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