Friday, November 21, 2008

Photo Caption Contest Runoff--We Have a Winner

It was a really close race, but Dessert Survivor won the photo caption contest by one vote with his entry: "Calm down, Alice. We are not lost. See, there is the sign for the Wisconsin Historical Overlook Area." Congratulations! You'll be receiving the $25 gift certificate to Olive Garden. I hope you take your lovely wife with you when you go!

Thanks to everyone who entered, voted, and commented! It was fun doing it a little differently this time. The poll is below if you want to see the results. Stay tuned for more contests!

Thanks for entering Tuesday's Photo Caption Contest! It's been fun reading your entries. My husband helped me narrow the entries down but I'm having trouble making up my mind. So I need your help! Vote for your favorite:


  1. Well, I personally liked my entry the best! lol. Out of those 3 I would pick the first one though.

  2. Watch out, Al Franken will want to recount these ballots!

  3. I love the winning caption. I can picture "Harv" saying that to Alice!!


Hi, I love to read your comments! I've recently decided to turn off word verification to make it easier to leave comments, but in doing so, I'm only accepting registered users to avoid spam. You can also leave comments on the Desert Survivor Facebook page. Thanks!