Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Eating Unfried Green Tomatoes

Desert Boy loves to play in the garden. I always yell at him to get out, but he ignores me and heads straight towards the tomato plants. They have a profusion of green tomatoes.

Desert Boy can't quite help but pick a green tomato or two. Usually he carries them around in his grubby little hand and then drops them when he tries to climb the gate.

Today, though, he decided to eat the green tomato. Notice how he looks straight at me, his eyes telling me, "Ha, ha, Mom. I'm eating your green tomato." 

The only problem is that he doesn't really like it. I knew this, he's tried a few green tomatoes over the last couple of weeks. Apparently Desert Boy has trouble remembering, though.

He takes the tomato out of his mouth and flicks it to the ground. Good-bye tomato. Tomorrow he'll be back to pick another.


  1. Don't even want to think what his diaper would look like if he did eat it. ewwww

  2. (insert name of famous thinker, often Albert Einstein or Ben Franklin) is often attributed to having said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.

    Deep thoughts...

  3. I think you just insulted my son, Flatbow. Just wait 'til I see you! :)

  4. Just try to keep him out of the font (at least before the ceremony) and make sure he makes it ALL the way down the aisle...



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