Monday, October 6, 2008

Desert Destination: Wildlife in the Fields

Mule deer in alfalfa field

Sometimes I travel long distances to go look for wildlife, but today I didn't have to go far. Wildlife love coming to the ranch. They have lots of food, good cover, and of course, good company. So to celebrate some of our animal neighbors, here's a series of photos of these creatures saying hi. (Or saying get the heck out of here and let me get back to my business, but if they're saying that I'm just pretending not to understand.)

Canada geese flying overhead

Canada geese taking off from field

Ravens on fence next to corn field

Mule deer near pivot

Mule deer eating alfalfa

Group of pronghorn antelope in recently cut hay field--
sorry these are little specks, but the shadow of the airplane is cool, isn't it?


  1. You're having entirely too much fun with that camera ;). Beautiful shots- thank you for sharing!

  2. So when does hunting season start?


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