Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Days Are Getting Shorter

As we get to the end of September, each day we are losing about 2 to 3 minutes of daylight. That doesn't sound like a lot, but over the course of a week, that's about 18 minutes. I used to really dislike the days getting shorter, but now I enjoy the silver lining--my husband comes home earlier! The life of a rancher is often sunrise to sunset, so it's nice to have more time together.

If you'd like to see the sunrise and sunset calendar for your area, click here


  1. Very nice image. Did you happen to take that Friday morning at sunrise?

    ~Curious Astrophotographer

  2. Thursday morning at sunrise--not much of a moon left. I'm hoping my new camera (coming Monday) will allow me to try astrophotography again and get better results than UFO-like images!

    p.s. This post was posted at sunrise.


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