Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Canning Peaches

Our peach trees weren't impressive this year, but fortunately a lady down the road had an overabundance of peaches and was willing to share. Desert Boy and I went down to gather some (it wasn't easy because Desert Boy kept trying to climb up the ladder after me). Back home I separated peaches into ripe, not ripe, and bruised.

I put the bottles and lids through the dishwasher to prepare.

I turned on every burner on the stove and got out my big pots. Then I dug in and started processing peaches--canning them, making jam, and even making a peach pie. It was long and hot work. 

But seeing the results makes me happy. We'll have plenty of peaches and peach jam all winter long!


  1. Impressive number of jars. Your mother will be proud of you.

  2. Your mother is beyond proud. Awesome job. That was a lot of work and to be able to it with a toddler underfoot makes it even more awesome. Good for you! Enjoy the fruits of your labor.


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