Sunday, August 3, 2008

A UFO Makes an Appearance

I was out one evening and saw this strange light in the sky. It was saucer-shaped, and it immediately made me think of UFOs. I kept watching to see what it would do...

...and as this picture shows, the light was moving towards the earth. We have beautiful, clear skies out here in the desert, plus many of good landing zones for UFOs, so whenever I see strange lights in the sky, I wonder who's coming in for a visit.

In this final picture, you can see a point of light on the ground. I think some of them made it down safely while the mother ship is still in the air. I haven't noticed any aliens around lately, but sometimes I think it takes time to assimilate into the local population. I'll be sure to let you know if something (or someone) odd pops up.


  1. Has Desert Survivor gone Looney Tunes? too much sun? not enough mint chocolate chip ice cream?

  2. A funny post, but humor on this topic is dangerous. Some people will not understand that you mean to be funny.

  3. Where are agents Mulder and Scully when you need them? The truth is out there!

  4. Maybe Desert Survivor has been snatched up, as it's almost 2pmCT and no new post for today. Well, Monday is destination day, so this could be interesting!

  5. "Somewhere in the heavens.... they are watching"

    Desert Survivor, you should really make sure you have a copy of Slim Whitman's music just in case the Martians attack.


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