Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Desert Boy Plays in a Puddle

We haven't been experiencing the effects of Hurricane Eduard or the tornadoes of the Midwest, but we did have a nice dowsing monsoon rain this afternoon. After the rain stopped, Desert Boy, Henry, and I headed out for a walk. Before long we found this nice puddle, and I just had to let Desert Boy have some fun.

I have fond memories as a kid going out after storms and unclogging sewers. We don't have any sewers around here, but the water is still a big attraction. At first Desert Boy is content to walk in the puddle.

He starts picking up rocks and throwing them into the water. I figure this might go on for awhile and settle back to enjoy the show.

I sure wish I could squat like that! He throws rocks into the puddle, gets them out, throws them again.

Henry isn't too far away, investigating the smells.

Desert Boy loves to play in the water, and he usually isn't content to stay very dry... before long he's sitting in the puddle. Like the little wave he creates as he plops down? He doesn't make a sound, but a content look appears on his face. Now he can really play. 

He twists and turns in the water. I'm just grateful that he's not trying to blow bubbles. I should mention that this puddle is along the side of the main road through town, so everyone who is going by is going extra slow and giving us strange looks. I'm sure more than one thought, "What is that crazy mom doing, letting her kid play in a mud puddle?"

I like to think that I'm just letting Desert Boy expand his horizons in a supervised activity. I know I can wash the clothes. And this is only his third outfit for the day--he's been going through four outfits a day recently, so it's no big deal.

This is one of Desert Boy's mischievous looks. I wonder what's going through his little head right now.

And here's another one of those looks. In about 15 years he will be sweeping the girls off their feet with looks like these.

Finally Desert Boy goes too far and starts eating the mud in the mud puddle. It's time to leave. But we'll be back after another rainstorm!


  1. Desert Boy is so cute and what kid can resist a good puddle? Good job, mom, for letting him explore rather than plopping him in front of a tv.

  2. They're only kids for such a short span of their lifetime. I'm with you(yet again!), let them have fun! If you were a kid again, would you rather have a memory of a Mom/Dad shouting at you to keep clean, or the delightful memory of splashing in puddles? I vote for puddles and mud! My grandkids are always returned back to their parents much dirtier than when they arrived at my door.


  3. GAA,
    You sound like a really fun Grandma! I bet the grandkids always look forward to going to your house.


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