Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Proper Footwear for Hiking in the Desert

While I was sitting on a trail this weekend, holding a sleeping Desert Boy who increasingly got heavier every minute so that I lost all feeling in my legs, I found I was at eye level with people's shoes as they walked by. And what an interesting array of footwear! The park newspaper, park rangers, and park signs all stated that hiking boots were strongly recommended for this steep and rocky trail. And that the number one injury was due to improper footwear. So I want to show you what some of the people were wearing and see what you think.

Snazzy red sneakers set a fashion statement in the desert.
Probably the kind of boots the park rangers are talking about when they mean "proper footwear."
These big black boots certainly give a lot of ankle support. And the camo capris are quite the fashion statement.
Running shoes, a comfortable choice for many surfaces.
White tennies were certainly the most common footwear we saw. I like the black socks for contrast.
These checkered tennies also show some fashion awareness, but I'm not sure about the velcro.
These shoes look comfortable and the red is certainly eye catching.
A one and a half inch heel might be a little slippery, and the cutouts in the shoes might let in sand. But with two pairs of anklets bunching up around the ankles, she should be okay. I think.
These white shoes have velcro, I think, and not too much arch support. Perhaps no socks helps keep the feet cool? 
Sports sandals are all the rage, but I wouldn't want to stub a toe.
These shoes certainly provide plenty of ventilation in the desert.

So which do you like best?


  1. No bare feet? :)


  2. Whatever works! I know someone who climbed a glacier in socks!

  3. High heels for the win!

  4. I'm going with "proper footwear". I am nothing if not properly shod!!

  5. LOL
    I just love this blog ;)
    I just ordered from VS Unform Solutions (of course) a great pair of Talus Boots :) They should be arriving soon!

  6. i really like them a lot


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