Sunday, July 13, 2008

Henry Finds a Treasure

Henry loves going out on runs and walks because he can explore the smells of the neighborhood. We go out everyday, and yesterday Henry found gold. Okay, it wasn't real gold, but to him it was probably even better than the doggy equivalent of gold.
He found a deer leg, including the hoof. And he decided to bring it home. Oh, lucky me. It seems normal for dogs to chew on things, but that hoof just gets me. Why is that part so attractive to a dog?
Henry doesn't waste any time getting down to business. He's chewing away.
But he senses that I'm close, and puts a protective paw over that deer hoof. After all, I might want to steal away his treasure. 


  1. It could be worse, at least he didn't bring this back.

  2. What is that in your picture? You're right, it could be worse. Desert Boy could start chewing on the deer bone.

  3. My guess would be a dinosaur or mastodon bone.

  4. As I watched my in-laws sucking on chicken bones for dinner tonight, I couldn't help but realize how similiar they are to Henry. Got to love a good bone.


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