Friday, July 11, 2008

Don't Try This

If you've been following this blog, you know that you should not go hiking with my brother. This video will show you why. Uncle Andrew hiked in the summer heat down the Bright Angel Trail to Plateau Point at the Grand Canyon. 

He had previously done a down to the river and back to the rim trip, so had "been there done that." (And it wasn't even too hard for him.) So this time around he wanted to show people what the trail was like. Instead of taking a video camera, he took a photo every 4 or 5 steps down the 6-mile long trail, which ends at a beautiful scenic area overlooking the river. 

For you purists who say that the Grand Canyon isn't in one of the four North American deserts, you're right, the rim is in the Colorado Plateau. But watch the vegetation change and become more desert-like as Uncle Andrew descends 3,000 feet from the rim into 115 degrees Fahrenheit in about 3 minutes. It might make you a little dizzy, but at least you can stay cool.

So where should Uncle Andrew go hiking next and would you like to go with him?


  1. Man, that is a LONG way down. I have always wanted to do that hike. I think I need some more exercise first!!

  2. No, everyone save yourselves. Follow rules 1 and 7. Remember Uncle Andrew is crazy. If you dont believe me, just look at the expression on peoples faces throughout the video.

    I implore you, dont make the same mistake I did.

  3. I don't know what all this ruckus is about. I can name plenty of people that have gone on hikes with me and lived to tell about it. I even have picture evidence here

  4. I would definitely end up like Bobby. Getting down is one thing, but no way could I make it back out, especially in that heat. Last time I was at the canyon, a helicopter was rescuing a woman who was stuck at the bottom. That could have been me!

    I loved the music: reminds me of South America. Maybe Macchu Picchu should be on your to do list.

  5. So when we having a family reunion at the bottom of the Grand Canyon? I've never had the opportunity to hike all the way down. We should do a rim-to-rim hike sometime!

  6. 2009? Family reunion someplace cool (or hot)


  7. Quit picking on poor Uncle Andrew. Yesterday one of Andrew's brothers wrote this:

    "We went backpacking Sunday through Tuesday with plenty of adventures in the hail, rain, and eventually lightning (at 12,000 ft. it tends to get your adrenaline going). I was surprised at how poorly my body adapted to altitude, I was seriously out of breath within a few minutes of walking. I think the only time I wasn't out of breath was when we were sprinting across a snowfield for cover as the lightning was hitting all around us (did I mention adrenaline?).

    Would you rather go hiking with Andrew or Andrew's brother?

    Dessert Survivor

  8. Of course, where do you think Andrew learned all his ways from?

  9. I KNOW that the whole family is loopy. Who in their right minds would hike six miles uphill (it's relatively flat - yeah right) starting at 8,000 ft and ending at over 10,000 ft the day after Desert Survivor's wedding? And then camp out in the open at a lake, yes it was beautiful, in just sleeping bags when the temps plunged to very chilly lows. Add to that the hike back down the next morning after very little sleep and a very very long drive to the airport for most and a much longer drive back to work for one uncle. We survived! barely

    you know who

  10. WOW! What a neat presentation of the hike! I loved the music suited it well. I'll stay here in front of my computer and "hike" along with Uncle Andrew that way...much saner...I mean safer! ;)

  11. Just out of curiosty, how many pictures did it take to make that awesome video?

  12. That is a lot of pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did it get boring taking pictures?


  13. Yes it did get very boring and since I was unsure of how it would turn out in the end it was very tempting to quit. I also got a lot of strange looks from people.

  14. That was really really amazing! I'm glad you stuck with it. I've heard about a deal where you can hike down the canyon then do a rafting trip out, skip the whole horrid hike up part. Is such a thing possible?

  15. That was great. I linked it to my blog.

  16. I just found this blog: I am the dessert survivor that your “uncle Andrew” tried to kill (on more than one occasion). Hiking to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and back up in the same day is something I am still very proud of. What Andrew hasn’t told you, is that on that same trip he got us lost in the desert while hiking just outside Phoenix. If you go hiking with “Uncle Andrew” the only goal is to survive.


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