Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Playing in Water

Summer means it's time to play with water! It all started with Daddy taking Nature Boy irrigating. Nature Boy had lots of fun, coming home entirely coated with mud. We got out the little swimming pool and the hose.
Notice the mud around his mouth. No matter how many times we tell him not to, he still eats dirt and mud!
Nature Boy, sporting a lovely farmer's tan, did most of the work of filling the pool. He thought the hose was terrific fun. He was already soaking wet, so we didn't care how much wetter he got.
And when it got deep enough, he crawled right in, with his trusty sidekick close by.
We had so much fun in the morning that we had to come out again in the afternoon for some more fun.
The added benefit of playing with the hose is that our scraggly grass and trees got a little extra moisture. It's stream water and cold, but Nature Boy didn't seem to mind. I put my feet in for a couple minutes and that's all I could take.
Henry is back to his old tricks of tackling his buddy. Henry was good about staying out of the pool, but he wanted to be close to all the action.
The two share a special moment.
And they're both good about posing for Mama.
But I swear I didn't have Nature Boy pose for this picture. When I turned and saw him doing this I cracked up so much I could hardly hold the camera still. 


  1. Now that is what I call a Kodak moment.

  2. Nature boy reminds me of our nature boy, (GUE). Little blondie with mud on his face. He was always sucking on a stone and eating mud. Recently, Great grandma sent some pix from the '50s with your mom, Terry, GUE and myself in our little pool. We were all topless, and your mom was about 7yrs. old. Good times!
    Love your blog!

  3. What a little cutie! I love the Famer's tan! LOL. Those are some classic photos.

    P.S. Thanks for sharing this blog with us! I enjoy it very much. Jenny

  4. Love the pictures! I wish I could do some swimming right now too! The relationship between Nature Boy and Henry just looks so sweet! I can't wait to see more!


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