Friday, April 29, 2011

Down, Down in the Underground

Ready to go undergound? Check out this video? Be sure you have your audio turned on.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What's Blooming?

So our wireless router isn't working right and it's really cramping my blogging style, especially now that I'm back to doing my A Plant a Day blog. So if you don't see something new, be sure to head over there to check out the cool things that are blooming out in the desert. There's more than I expected!

And be ready for a new biodiversity challenge soon--like what's blooming in your yard? I have some cool photos of things in our yard if I can just find an extra hour in the day!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Church Progress

Quite a bit of progress has been made on the new church in town over the last week, as you can see from the following photos:

It's going to be such a cute church, and with such a spectacular background!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Adventures with the Cousins

Last weekend Megan and Kayli stayed with us for the weekend. Desert Boy was so excited to have a sleepover with the cousins! One of the first things on the agenda was to work on the tree house.

Megan was eager to get to work with the hammer, while Kayli started painting beautiful designs on the walls. I don't think Desert Boy liked me intruding on his quality time with the cousins. He kept scowling at me!

Kayli is painting under the new coat hook. This is going to be one classy tree house!

Megan was making a bench for the tree house.

Desert Girl found the bench just the right height for her. She enjoyed conversing with her cousins. Maybe they understood her better than I do!

They laughed a lot.

The next morning was time to head into Ely, Nevada to take advantage of the free train ride weekend. I had to go somewhere else, so I gave my husband the camera and he managed to snap about five usable photos during the entire 2 1/4 hour ride.

This is a diesel engine on one of the side tracks. They had a steam engine pulling their train.

It looked like Kayli had a good time. She took over 300 photos on her camera.

As the train pulled into the station, I went up to the window and got the camera so I could get a few photos.

It was a nice day for a train ride, quite different from our chilly last experience.

The engine backed the train into the East Ely Depot.

Time to get off the train and off to the next adventure.

In the afternoon, we headed out to the garden, and Kayli and Megan helped plant seeds.

We gave Desert Boy his own plot where he could plant anything he wanted. It will be interesting to see what comes up.

Desert Girl liked playing in the wet dirt.

That was fine as long as she stayed in the wet dirt where we hadn't planted anything!

Here's a tiny pea plant poking through the ground.

And a bit higher.

The first pea leaves. Wow, those kids are sure super gardeners!

Everyone had a great time and we hope they can come back again soon!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Meeting the Cows

Some calves in one of the corrals. Why are they looking this way?

Because they've noticed Desert Girl, who's noticed them and come toddling over in her little pink-flowered irrigating boots.

She can make manure look so stylish.

Most of the calves are scared, but one decides to size up Emma.

Maybe she really isn't all that intimidating and is worth a closer look.

And closer yet.

Desert Girl reaches out her hand as a peace offering.

Hmmm, this could be interesting.

Desert Girl seems to like meeting the cow.

In fact, she loved it.

She turns to see the other calves watching her.

Uh oh, have they figured out that they're bigger than me?

Nah, I'm fine and life is grand.

Oh, does the cow want to play? I'll head right over.

I know all about slobber.

Should we have a staring contest?

Hee, hee, I did it.
Oh my.